Corporate Philosophy

Success breeds support. 

You have-to give before you receive.

We give as we receive.

Cross the Tracks™ is dedicated to giving back to our supportive communities by donating a % of gross revenues to help those in need to ‘Cross the Tracks’ to an improved lifestyle.  Our first philanthropic beneficiary is the Lookout Society in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver, B.C. Canada, nearly one of Canada's lowest income area codes. The Lookout Society provides the most basic of human of needs – food and shelter; supporting the homeless, mentally disabled and those who have fallen to addiction. Approximately 80% of their clients are in transition. They need a place to land softly at their rock bottom, re-build, then return to a healthy & strong lifestyle. We are here to support this great organization to help these men and women to Cross the Tracks.